Line Graph

Graphs / Plots
Comparisons, Data over Time, Patterns

What is it?

This chart is used to display quantitative values over a continuous interval or time period. A Line Graph is most frequently used to show trends and analyse how the data has changed over time.

Line Graphs are drawn by first plotting data points on a Cartesian coordinate grid, and then connecting a line between all of these points. Typically, the y-axis has a quantitative value, while the x-axis is a timescale or a sequence of intervals. Negative values can be displayed below the x-axis.
The direction of the lines on the graph works as a nice metaphor for the data: an upward slope indicates where values have increased and a downward slope indicates where values have decreased. The line’s journey across the graph can create patterns that reveal trends in a dataset.
When grouped with other lines (other data series), individual lines can be compared to one another. However, avoid using more than 3-4 lines per graph, as this makes the chart more cluttered and harder to read. A solution to this is to divide the chart into smaller multiples (have a small Line Graph for each data series).

When to use it?


Tools to create the Charts



Desktop App:
Adobe Illustrator
Apple Numbers, Keynote, Pages
Microsoft Office, PowerBI


Similar Charts : Area Chart (Data%20Visualisation%20cfe04a5761eb434cace32c6033e3a4e3/Area%20Chart%206fde2301b01f4ca1bfc037499a7758df.csv), Error Bars (Data%20Visualisation%20cfe04a5761eb434cace32c6033e3a4e3/Error%20Bars%20b23ce7b1905e40bc8a8741bdd3a73a2f.csv), Stacked Area Graph (Data%20Visualisation%20cfe04a5761eb434cace32c6033e3a4e3/Stacked%20Area%20Graph%207b670025cad94e8cb52c431c5e396b9b.csv)