Bubble Map

Maps / Geographical
Geographical, Proportions

What is it?

With this data map, circles are displayed over a designated geographical region with the area of each circle being proportional to its value in the dataset.

However, a major flaw with Bubble Maps is that overly large bubbles can overlap other bubbles and regions on the map, so this needs to be accounted for.

When to use it?

Bubble Maps are good for comparing proportions over geographic regions without the issues caused by regional area size, as seen on Choropleth Maps.


Tools to create the Charts



Desktop App:https://community.jmp.com/t5/JMPer-Cable/How-to-make-a-geographic-map-chart-in-JMP/ba-p/43111
Microsoft PowerBI


Similar Charts : Dot Map (Data%20Visualisation%20cfe04a5761eb434cace32c6033e3a4e3/Dot%20Map%20da757aa3b2c546a3affe476fc630b6d7.csv), Proportional Area Chart (Data%20Visualisation%20cfe04a5761eb434cace32c6033e3a4e3/Proportional%20Area%20Chart%20292e732088144911891cea679e6aa07b.csv), Choropleth Map (Data%20Visualisation%20cfe04a5761eb434cace32c6033e3a4e3/Choropleth%20Map%200dc1b98875534f649b5bb405f4c8702a.csv)